Homemade Concept cooltube, will it work???


Well-Known Member
hello people,
im planning on doing a little grow with a 70w hps and im thinking about making a cooltube kinda thing.

the plan is to use a old glass candle holder with the bulb inside it and then a fan attatched to it.

thats the glass thing its about 7inches long(hopefully big enough)

and that a plan of what it should look like, it only has one fan for exhaust hot air and the holes in the bottom(hot air rises so cold are will be sucked through the holes, cool the bulb,air gets warm, hot air outake) will suck air through from the grow room.

basically will it work, and can thier be any improvements made.



Well-Known Member
It will...and should work well...

With that said...

I would stay away from axial fans, such as you pictured, the just have no ... guts... and they loose efficiency very quickly with any restrictions at all...

I would invest in a centrifugal fan, 4" around 170 CFM, that way you will guarantee success and have the right fan for when ou get the 400 HPS in the "real" cooltube...lol...:eyesmoke:

Also, cooltubes work best when used with a dedicated vent system, meaning that it is grabbing outside, cool air, and blowing it over the bulb, then out the grow area...

Blowing warm air across the bulb will allow it warm up the glass, defeating the purpose of the cool tube...

I have a 600 HPS in a cool tube with a big fan and I can put my face on the glass without burning...

What you propose will work, but you will eventually upgrade, so I say...

Figure out the best set-up for you, save the bucks and buy everything, part by part...

You will save by not upgrading 15 times...

Go with what you know... you seem pretty savvy...

Good Luck..



Active Member
like gypseybush said, get intake air from outside, and put the fan further away from the glass with ducting ir the heat will melt the fan.


Well-Known Member
Cooltubes are open on both ends. :hump:

It will not work with a closed glass like that. Sorry. On the plus side 70w does not generate much heat. That is awful small for flowering though.


Well-Known Member
theres no need for a cool tube on a 70 watt hps there isnt even a need for a 150 watt hps thats what i use i just point a fan at it


Well-Known Member
er well its gonna be a stealth/on the cheap grow, so a squirrel cage fan is gonna be a bit noisey.
and yer i will have some ducting attatched instead of directly on the fan, that seems a good idea.


Well-Known Member
i dident say squirrel cage fan and i have a steath op. i got a tiny box i just point a small fan at it watever fan you can get


Well-Known Member
Glass is really thick on that candle holder meaning a lot more light loss through refraction. I'm not sure what you are accomplishing with this/ Drilling holes in the tube and then pulling exhaust air through them? Air flow restriction and pulling air from an already hot room will minimize your set-up's ability to cool the light.
Sorry to drop the bomb on that one bro . . .:peace:


Well-Known Member
Glass is really thick on that candle holder meaning a lot more light loss through refraction.
yer i was meaning to ask that, would it really let out that much less, 90% or less???

Air flow restriction and pulling air from an already hot room will minimize your set-up's ability to cool the light.
yer but the room wont be hot because if the cooltube is there anyway(if it works), if you get me(probs not coz im a bit retarded with words)

im thinking about getting a ready made 70w hps floodlight if this fails.


Well-Known Member
yer i was meaning to ask that, would it really let out that much less, 90% or less???
Yeah thick glass will really reduce light output especially with a lower wattage bulb like a 70w.

yer but the room wont be hot because if the cooltube is there anyway(if it works), if you get me(probs not coz im a bit retarded with words)

im thinking about getting a ready made 70w hps floodlight if this fails.
I think you will end up with more heat build up and reduced light intensity with your planned cool-tube set up. I would leave it out somebody stated earlier that a 70w bulb do not put out much heat. This is true if you have adequate ventilation in your box you should not need a cool-tube for such a small light. :peace:

PS: We are all retarded with words, if not we wold agree on more stuff:mrgreen: