Homemade alternate to FFOF?


All the smith and hawken stores closed in my area, and the closet hydro place is 50 miles away and shipping is way to expensive to ship FFOF.

Now from what Ive read FFOF is pretty good stuff but is there a homemade alternative that could provide just as good as results? With stuff I can get easily (walmart, homedepot ect )

desert fox

Well-Known Member
Mirical grow Organic choice, blood meal, bone meal, perlite and domolite is some stuff you can look into. I had some worm castings in there too from a hydro store. I recentlly made the switch to FFOF about a month ago. I like my old soil mix better but it was a pain to mix it being in an appt. Lack of room....or the hint of lazyness.. I am stuck with FFOF.


New Member
i make my own soil mix.. peat moss, potting soil, vermiculite, perlite.. now i am going soiless with peat moss, perlite, blood n bone meal, with some garden lime in the mix.. hope that works ok