Home made C02


I am certain there are hundreds of threads on C02, but unfortunately any search of 3 or less characters comes up with nothing (due to Vbulletin settings)

I would like to have a tinker with home made C02, I only have a small grow tent so cant justify the hundreds of £££££'s to do it properly and wouldn't use a burner any way due to heat and fire risk.

I have a 3 litre bottle, so would just like to clarify the process, this is what I have come up with

1: 2/3's fill the bottle with water
2: add 2-3 cups of sugar
3: add some hot water (to dissolve the sugar)
4: let it cool
5: add 3 table spoons of activated yeast
6: Shake well

I have cut a hole in the lid and added some aquarium air pipe, which will be taped to the rear of my circulation fan, so the C02 gets spread all around the tent...

How does that sound.? Have I got the mix correct.?


Well-Known Member
Sounds good to me.
I use just about the same recipe.
I use 2 an stagger them to keep the C02 comming.

I believe they help in lil sealed cabs pretty good.
But they kinda smell like a beer trashcan...........


Well-Known Member
You can plug the end of an air line and then poke little holes in it and run it around your plants. co2 is heavier than air, so you'll need to keep the line near the tops of your plants. I've not heard of using a fan to move it around, but if that works....


Well-Known Member
i suggest you skip it altogether. without at least a co2 monitor, you're not going to know what the ppm is and with this method, you will need and awfully big lot of sugar to get the desired co2 ppm. this method might work for really small grows like micro grows but not for a tent


To be honest, it's just a little experiment, I am not expecting miracles, but for the few quid it will cost for a bit of sugar and yeast, I thought I would give it a go..! I like the 2 bottle idea, as soon as I finish another bottle of juice off I will make a second one.!

I know it's not really enough for a tent, but surely it can only make things better, not worse, so I don't see the harm. Cheers for the replies everyone, I am off to buy some yeast.!


I'm not interested in advertising anything. I only included the information so others could find it and give their opinion. I think I have all the intel I need, so I will log out.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, it's just a little experiment, I am not expecting miracles, but for the few quid it will cost for a bit of sugar and yeast, I thought I would give it a go..! I like the 2 bottle idea, as soon as I finish another bottle of juice off I will make a second one.!

I know it's not really enough for a tent, but surely it can only make things better, not worse, so I don't see the harm. Cheers for the replies everyone, I am off to buy some yeast.!
your name is missing something... should've been "Wants2LearnTheHardWay" lmao just a joke :D go ahead and try it