home made bowl and stem


First off if this is in the wrong place please move it.

Second i just finished a home made bowl and stem that was very easy and quick to make, i cant test it out today but i will surely friday (cant wait!)

So here is the whole thing

Sorry for the images not being the best of quality but i will break down the components of it

Im sure you all know what this is (its a 7/16 if you are wondering)

This is a tip to a pen that i took apart

And this is the tubey part of a pen (dont know exactly what its called)

And they fit almost perfect! just a small amount of tape in a spot that wont melt and go into my lungs

This is my first successful GOOD stem and bowl that i have made, tell me what you think


Well-Known Member
looks like some half-assed rig up a minor would do. also looks like it's more likely to make you sick than get you high, I mean dude, is that plastic I see in that pic?