Holy crap!

Second they pop you know they're healthy. That means you plant. Excessive root development only increases the probability (if not making it certain) that you're gonna screw the root system bad enough nothing is gonna come from it. You don't even really want to touch the roots AT ALL just let them pop and throw them in. Doesn't matter how they land, just put dirt over it. It's better for them to be sideways or downside (roots) up is best if any certain way. Have fun growing. It's an amazing process.


Well-Known Member
They'll be fine, be very gentle, handle by the husk of the seed and be sure you don't break the tip of the root off.


Well-Known Member
get your gals into some dirt! Agree with Stonest! put a hole in the dirt with a chopstick about 1/3 more than the length of the sprout. plant them carefully with the new root pointing down. Do not break anything off. Cover with about 1/4 of soil, water lightly, wait.


Well-Known Member
Hey Did you plant them? man i hope so. Its okay they will be okay if you get them into soil before the first they get much bigger, ive seen longer and they still worked out.
Major problem... My grow box was delayed for shipping and now it's going to be late. WTF do I do now? Am I going to lose my plants? Was supposed to be delivered by now! Freaking out

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Active Member
put em in some dirt and wait for your box. Few days isn't gonna matter in the long run, but the longer that tap root gets the harder it'll be to get em in without damaging it.


Well-Known Member
just plant it in a party cup and put it under a desk lamp witha cfl in it, 1 seed each cup

this would be fine for a week or more just leave the light on 24 hours abut 3 inches away.


i agree with the other folks. don't sweat it. throw them in a cup with dirt about 1" under the surface, under a desk light or something similar. do this soon or you'll tear your baby roots to shit when you try to get them off the papertowel. you've got probably up to a week or 2 before you'll want to worry about controlled climate. and good luck!!
I guess he thought clipping them would keep them from getting to long and lose them. I wouldn't let him and suggested we make a post on here about it. I win! :D
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