Holy cow thrips


Well-Known Member
These are not pics of my plant but I’ve been struggling with this clone I just transplanted about 3 weeks ago. It became stunted and leaves starting browning upon further inspection I used a magnifying glass and seen hundreds of these little larvae crawling on the leaves. Just sprayed um down with spinosad so fingers crossed. I’ve been nearly 20 years and have had minor thrip damage to plants( little white spots) but this is something I’ve never seen before wtf
Sounds like you actually have russet mites. They have a similar body shape as thrips but they cause browning more than thrips do.
Can you elaborate a little? I’ve had russet mites with sulfur being the easy cure and usually can’t see things crawling these guys are full crawling
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Here’s a post in a different thread so I’m thinking if I can see these little fuckers it’s not russet mites hopefully jeezzzzzuzzzz
Some research says russet mites are impossible to see without a microscope then there’s this pic which they are easily visible. Prettiest confused I’ve had russet mites before and I couldn’t see anything but damage in late flower
yup waterproof is right looks like russet mites are back. I had a pretty easy time destroying them last time with wettable sulfur......question if i sprayed plants with monterey garden spray yesterday is it ok to wash plants off and hit them with sulfur today?
yup waterproof is right looks like russet mites are back. I had a pretty easy time destroying them last time with wettable sulfur......question if i sprayed plants with monterey garden spray yesterday is it ok to wash plants off and hit them with sulfur today?
2 week interval between sulfur and oils. Shoudn't react with the spinosad.

Should be able to tank mix both, do a small test in a jar.
If they stratify or become clumpy after 15 min, its a NO.
Usually, use the lower application rates when tank mixing.
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I wish I could get Spinosad in EU, it's good shit. Imported a bottle of Captain Jack's deadbug brew from the US once.
You can get it easily, I live in Europe and have been buying it for years, it is called Success and is produced by Bayer
couldn't find any from eBay nor Amazon.
I don't know why you can't find it but I'll put some links below

I had a thrip issue as well that I noticed early in the process. I used two things that worked very well. DE powder on base of the plant (Because it's flowering you're not supposed to use DE powder on the buds or leaves)

and https://www.eugardencenter.com/en/ecostyle-spruzit-r.html

Spruzit you can, to my knowledge, spray all over the plant without any harm being done. But it kills aphids and thrips. It's completely natural too, as far as I know, the active ingredient is pyrethrum which is extracted from the Chrysanthemum flower.