Hollow stalks

Hi does anyone know what it means when some of the stalks on my plants are hollow?
Its not all of them. I just had a bad feeling that something might have eaten it's way up through the stalk. Ive been having trouble with insects.
Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Its normal, but its also a sign of potent marijjiana.
I read in "Robert clarks -Advaned Marijuana Botony' its one of the traits you breed for to make your marijuana more potent.

Its a dam good read, check it out here http://www.mellowgold.com/grow/mjbotany-removed/
Thanks for putting that link Scarhole, I have it as a handi link also, this should be required reading before anyone before they put a seed in the ground.
Many plants have hollow stems especially when they are growing at a rapid rate. Usually as the plant matures, slowing in growth the plant produces cellulose which fills in the stalk.


Well-Known Member
lol your rightbut i think he means trunk chewed out ,not sure.
no you dont. you actually thought termites ate their way through his stalk. lol sorry i had to, this is pretty horrible advice....

termites. get some chemicals out there or it will be all of them.​


Well-Known Member
i topped an la woman the other day and the stalk is extremely thick. after taking off the top you could easily stick a pencil down the stalk, the hole was that big.