Holiday Exotics

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
Company name: Holiday Exotics

Selection: 7/10 [Has a fair selection of some pretty nice companies.]
Price: 9/10 [Pricing is Fair, but I got a freebie in my bag... a FULL Pack of what looks like a dank strain!]
Service: 10/10 [Very fast/responsive communication. Seems Friendly.]
Stealth Rating: Nothing major, seems fine ..I got them!

Would you order from the same bank again: FOR SURE!

Other Comments: I could not find much information about them online. I contacted some Seed Companies through instagram, two said they never heard of them, one said they were a seed bank, and one vouched they were good. I decided to take a chance with some what of a smaller order, few hundred $.

Order was completed two days after my purchase/payment. I received them in about a month. I REALLY wanted those packs as they were Sold-Out everywhere else and they were also literally 1 stock left when I purchased. - Super Glad I got them!

And That freebie has me giddy, never heard of "Stick-Nicky" from True Canna but from a quick glance it looks like a Solid strain! Looking forward to that, Thanks Holiday Exotics!