Holes in plant's new leaves


I just signed up a few days ago since i'm on my first grow ever. So Hi everyone :)

I'm having this problem:

My plants are about 3 weeks old now and the new leaves at the top of the plant have little holes / tears in them. Aside from that they seem quite ok.

I added some pics so you can see what i'm talking about.

The second last one shows a bug of wich i found some on several plants (squished them all, but they seem to come back, time for pesticide?). Are the bugs causing this?

I was reading a thread similar to this and someone suggested turning over leaves could cause this. It has been quite windy the last few days, maybe that's it?



Well-Known Member
I'm guessing the wind is to blame, at least for some of it. That leaf resting against that piece of wood, was almost certainly damaged from brushing against it. As for the bug...idk what type that it, never seen 'em around where I live, so can't tell ya if they'd do any harm, or not.


It migh be a water spot because when the sun hits it, it act like a magnifying glass and burns through the leaf leaving wholes