Holes in leafs - spider mites ?


Hey again !

Today i checked my girls and there were holes on one of the plants leaf, there was some kind of a bug, that jumped to another leaf.

There are also some white spots on the leafs, are those spider mites ?



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I wouldn't think its spider mites, since you seen a bug jump....could be a variety of bugs outdoors...there is a pretty good plant diagnosis guide on growweedeasy.com....run through the checklists it will give you some solid knowledge about pests...
If you can zoom it, there are some white spots, or whatever it is, im not sure if these are spider mites or not, maybe the holes arent, will definitelly run through the diagnosis, thanks for the tip !
If you can zoom it, there are some white spots, or whatever it is, im not sure if these are spider mites or not, maybe the holes arent, will definitelly run through the diagnosis, thanks for the tip !

if you can't get it figured out (best learning experience) I am sure we'll get it squared away by the end of the day :D
I just saw a pretty small red bug just like this