hola from tejas


n00b here to the forums. coming to you from tejas. I enjoy mushroom cultivation most of all, been my hobby since I was about 18.

I figured I would join the forums to learn a little bit more about growin' the herb, more specifically outdoor growing.

Also have a couple of San Pedro cacti, had those things for close to 3 years, bought them off the internet as 6 inch clippings, now they are growing into big ass mind altering cacti!!

lookin forward to learning new things and seeing some good bud porn.

happy smoking'


Global Moderator
Staff member
Good evening Texas, glad to see you could make it - Lots of very interesting reading in the forum section. Nubee, experienced and expert info so spend some time there before asking questions - lots of stuff has been covered many times & much of it is there.
Again, nice to have you aboard.