
simple grower

Well-Known Member
heys guys,was just kikin back surfin these forums reading all sorts of info wen my gf turned and said to me,i wonder if there are many people like us that are non smokers and actually grow for a hobby and the enjoyment you get, looking after such a secret,and playing with diffrent strains ,building better grow rooms and succeeding more and more as time goes by,its awsum i say;-)

simple grower

Well-Known Member
yer we do,:roll:were not greedy it just helps us put a bit more food on the table,but its not fully about the money tho,its the enjoyment we get,we used to smoke,me about 10 years ago,and my girl stoped wen we met say 4 years ago,we sumtimes joke about lighting up,but thats as far as we go, dont rekon there would be many people on here that only grow:neutral: and being aeroponics there always sumfin new to try,im currently trying to work out wether misters would be better or a small irrigation sprinkler head running in my res?


Well-Known Member
I going mister. I just ordered some mister heads and nexxt is the pump. I played around with some setups and found aeroponic is gonna be easy and fun. Go to had they got everything there but a good pump and Mister heads. Try the pvc isle for all the fun parts and lok in the garden section, i using recycled tire mulch as my new hydro medium, it is rela cool.


Well-Known Member
Lol, mister heads google anywhere on the net, make sure they go 360 degrees and are made for low pressure applications. Not hard to spot. Home depot has recycled tire mulch perfect for hydor medium and cheap. I love it, tho i just started using it yesterday with a practice clone! Better than mail order or going to a cop watched hydro store. For pumps i use ebay, they got the best deals and i only order form the north east becasue indoor gardening is more commom up there. Good luck. I hope that is what u asked, i just took my mornng pain meds with a pot of coffe so i wired and loving life!!!

simple grower

Well-Known Member
haha sounds like ya pingin hehe yer well i sorta started a diffrent question about people that grow for fun or grow for smoke tho i did add the mister question versus a small sprinkler lol but im now thinkin of making drip rings,but as stated on these threads,as your plants get bigger theres no need for any dripers of any sort cause the roots end up sitting in water anyway that is depending on what system you use,just keep that air pump crankin after that and alls good,once my nets uncapped in a few days ill post sum pics of a nice female just pulled about 2 foot long and to wide to put my hands around:)
well off to work i go


Well-Known Member
I GROW FOR FUN i dont smoke im a straight edge its fun to grow
o0o0o0o is it worth the risk? the risk is so small when you grow a couple plants. grow a plant/have fun \make a little money/make people happy.
the more we grow the more others can smoke who enjoy it.

simple grower

Well-Known Member
sweet man so there are people out there ay,yer but the risk is all part of the game,if your smart enuff and keep your op quiet,you can grow more then one hehe Dont tell No one:):clap: