hmmm....only one germinated


Well-Known Member
Was 3 days too short? I can tell a couple look ready to germinate. Ill add some pictures....

the middle one germinated...its hard to tell.....


Well-Known Member
yeah let them go a few more days. have the other ones cracked yet? ive had ones that dont do shit for a week...


Well-Known Member
Use something shallower, having to knock the paper towel out of the cup could damage the roots, unless you can reach it with ur fingers...


Well-Known Member
I can reach it with my fingers...I did put them back in.

I am growing Northern Lights x Haze

Someof them cracked.


Well-Known Member
Next time put soil in your cup and try germinating them that way, see if you have better luck. Then you can grow them for a couple weeks in the cup and move up to a pot. Less stress on the plant I think.


Well-Known Member
germinating in soil is hard.Using the paper towels on a plate is what I do...this way you never have to worry about it drying up which will fuck em' right up.All decent seeds I've had have germinated this way with no probs...shoula took pics,some sprouts like 3/4-1 inch.


Well-Known Member
I don't thin'k germinating in soil is hard, put soil in a cup and water it down with un-nuted water and you can go a week or maybe more without watering again.

On the other hand I've had the papertowel dry out and the roots stick to it ruining the seeds several times because I'd have to remember to water the paper towel about twice a day.

Just remember there are more than one way to do this and I think everyone has their own way of doing it, so if it works for you keep doing it but if you want to try something new I'd do the soil.

If you could please tell me why soil is harder ?


Well-Known Member
And yes 3 days is too short, sometimes you may have to wait up to 2 weeks.

These aren't magic beans, I see people getting mad because they haven't sprouted within 3 hours on here.


Well-Known Member
I dunno why!haha.I've tried it a couple times pretty much how you said.Made sure the soil was watered well to settle then,just put the seed in there...what else can ya do besides using bottled water(which I did)? That didn't work but doubling up paper towels flat on a plate always seems to work...but you are right I've let it go dry....its a piss off...


Well-Known Member
You can try this with the soil, totally saturate it before planting. Run water over it for a couple minute till it's pouring out the bottom, let it sit for about 20 minutes in the sink and then dump the water out of it and repeat again. Basically like you do if you over fertilized and are trying to clean out the soil. Then plant the seed and see what happens.


Keep doing what you are because it works for you and many others and you are happy with it.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I don't grow from seed anymore, I do clones. When I was using seed I would put them in my soil mixture that was watered well in a peat pot. I had 100% success rate. I have heard too many stories about the tap root being damaged or broken when planting. Then there is the issue of the paper towel drying out. Soil germination gets my vote. I think it is over all less stress for the seed, more stress for the grower - lol.


Well-Known Member
think im gonna try straight in the soil for my next grow. gets on my nerves checking paper towels every day!


Active Member
i actually germinated all six of my seeds in 2 days... wat i did was take 4 paper towles and placed the seeds in the middle, placed the paper towel on a large plate (not crupmled or rolled up jus flat) covered the with a bowl and let it sit watering when needed and i got really good resultes


Well-Known Member
Put them in a tupperware keep the towel moist and leave them in the dark. They should all come up soon.

After germination is established and placed in a medium such as rockwool are you supposed to switch the lights on or keep them off?



Well-Known Member
i germinated about 40-50 seeds at a time knowing they're prolly not gonna work......I FUCKING LET IT GET DRY OUT! LOL....there is actually a few that sprouted I've had these seeds for like two years...added a bit of water hoefully it'll be okay...fuck...i was just prasing the paper towels....