HLG and agro pure UV


Well-Known Member
Can anyone help me with adding UV to the fixture...

Im not hundo sure on how im going to run the lights at the moment... Iv seen all diffreent kinds of flowering programs... DLIs from in the 30s to in thee 60s...

i got 15 HLG 96v2s on 5 320 drivers.... thats the drivers i could get my hands on... areas about 8x6.. should give me the ability to run almost any of those programs..

How do people kinda size their uv supplimenting... perecentage of ppfd, precentage of watt... id like to avoid the guess and check method beecuase i plan on running different ppfds durring different times of the year..

i cant seem to find any spec info other than spectrum for the pure UV... you guys guessing and checking or anyone got any height distance ppfd numbers... i watched the migro youtube video but the test was done from 7" away... tells us its a good light but not how to use it...

please, educate me... thanks in advance... creighton
please, educate me... thanks in advance... creighton
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