

Active Member
Hello everybody Im new here and it looks a cool board, lots for me to read up on and sorry but I had to make my first post a "hello", it would be rude not to.


Well-Known Member
welcome aboard! what he sed^^ . . . and if that doesnt work we shall hunt him down and eat all his knowledge
del i am deadly jealous , will u do an faq on how to be more like u? id like that . .

back to rebz . .
get prepared to petty bitch battle , its happens allot, dont take everythin u see as truth, tho likewise dont presume its bs , oh and pot pics when ever possible , makes helpin a whole lot easier.
enjoy and stay safe


Well-Known Member
welcome aboard! what he sed^^ . . . and if that doesnt work we shall hunt him down and eat all his knowledge
del i am deadly jealous , will u do an faq on how to be more like u? id like that . .
:weed:yeah a faq on how to do everything the way you shouldnt, thats me lol


Well-Known Member
Welcome.... :)

If you plan to grow it would be a good idea to run things by us before you start buying or building things... Might save you from making mistakes ahead of time.