Hit by a damn Truck!


Well-Known Member
I got hit by a construction truck! I was riding my bike on the way to pick my car up from getting the windshield replaced when a construction truck pulled out and hit me! I slammed my shoulder into the ground my bike came down on top of my foot breaking bones in my right foot! I'm sore as hell and having trouble walking! The construction company district safety manager already put it in writing that they will pay for my medical bills and fix/replace my bike! I dropped it off at the bike shop, they asked if I was in for my free tune up (part of the repair package I bought with the bike) I said NOPE I want you to charge me for the free tune up! and look over every speck of this bike! Bike shop has it now looking over the frame for any cracks or chips, If the carbon fiber frame is still good then the bike will be repaired not replaced! To most peoples surprise I'm not doing the american thing and suing! They agreed to pay for what I'm out and it's not like I'm missing work! Hell on the bright side I'm going to end up with at least a better derailleur, crank set, forks and rim. Honestly I'm hoping my bike it totaled! when I dropped mine off there were some really nice bikes there!
Thanks for reading! Had to vent!
I hope they give you enough money to at least pay for weed while your foot's broke. Least they could do.
consider yourself lucky my cousin was killed just like that riding his bike and was hit by a construction truck. i personally would have a lawsuit. its not like they dont have the money. and if the driver wouldve been paying attention then you prolly wouldnt of been hit. not to say he wasnt but its likley he wasnt. anyways goodluck
consider yourself lucky my cousin was killed just like that riding his bike and was hit by a construction truck. i personally would have a lawsuit. its not like they dont have the money. and if the driver wouldve been paying attention then you prolly wouldnt of been hit. not to say he wasnt but its likley he wasnt. anyways goodluck

Total accident! The driver was turning and was only looking for traffic from one way because the other way is blocked by a median! They are going to pay for everything I send them a bill for, even new shorts and shirt! If I had to buy pot I would send them a bill for that as well, Just call it pain meds! I'm sure if I was to sue the driver would lose his job and with how shit is right now I wouldn't wish that on anyone, even the guy that hit me! Safety manager said he will have to go through a 2 week training course and be put on probation.
oh WTF wtf!! i almost got killed by a car cutting me off on my motorcycle too. im a fellow rider and im glad your ok. and not suing says a lot about your character, lol I didn't Sui either even though i could have. those who greed will never have wealth(thats from proverbs)... you are a good guy
oh WTF wtf!! i almost got killed by a car cutting me off on my motorcycle too. im a fellow rider and im glad your ok. and not suing says a lot about your character, lol I didn't Sui either even though i could have. those who greed will never have wealth(thats from proverbs)... you are a good guy

LOL! wrong kind of bike! Mine has pedals! Thank you though!
got my ankle ran over by a fucking navigator before lol.
my leg was good but the skateboard i was riding snapped.
got my ankle ran over by a fucking navigator before lol.
my leg was good but the skateboard i was riding snapped.

I fell off my skateboard when I was younger it went out into the street. a car ran it over and it didn't even crack! good ol' LIB tech!
you sir, are an amazing person... not too many people would say that

Total accident! The driver was turning and was only looking for traffic from one way because the other way is blocked by a median! They are going to pay for everything I send them a bill for, even new shorts and shirt! If I had to buy pot I would send them a bill for that as well, Just call it pain meds! I'm sure if I was to sue the driver would lose his job and with how shit is right now I wouldn't wish that on anyone, even the guy that hit me! Safety manager said he will have to go through a 2 week training course and be put on probation.
that story is how things should work. as long as you are "made whole" all should be well. a lot of people would pull the victim shit and tell a lawyer all about how they are so traumatized they can't ride any more and now they need cab fare for life. on the other hand, if this construction company has a poor saftey record or makes a habit of this type of thing then they should be forced to make changes in the interest of public saftey.