Hillary said Donald Trump would make an excellent President !

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Wikileaks is the gift that just keeps giving,Hillary Clinton speaking about how america needs businessmen at the helm instead of lawyers, because businessmen have the vision politicans lack,then she specifically names Donald Trump as the businessman she'd love to see become president :clap:

She even goes on explaining how Donald Trump can't be bought like politicians are bought everyday in her speach,you can't make this shit up:lol:

Hell,nowadays people see you more often than an honest democrat .

Harry S Truman was famous for saying The Buck Stops Here,meaning he accepted blame for his actions as well as the actions of all in his service.

Hillary Clinton also says The Buck Stops Here,but with Hillary she's referring to how much money you have to pay her .

One universal truth with these radicals is nothing is Hillary's fault,or the fault of the people who work for her,nothing but one huge web of deception .
Your speaking about the Hillary Clinton endorsed democratic party creation Ku Klux Klan right .

Hillary's own words quoted and the best retort you can supply is " yeah so what, the KKK :lol:

That's what desperation smells like :bigjoint:

you speak pretty badly of the KKK for someone with a "WHITE PRIDE" tattoo.
They sure don't write thought provoking, deeply meaningful ballads like these anymore.....
(sniff sniff, HONK)

"I sucked a guy off in a car, couldn't get him to cum. I'm drinking soda on my porch all day long. I want to die in an accident. I'm drowning, I'm drowning, I'm drowning in cum!"

What lyrics, what emotion! I'm nearly in tears....