Highest Yield for 4x6 room ?


Well-Known Member
If I want to get the most weight from a 4x6 room how many plants would be optimal? 2? 4? I do not have the luxery to use a very large lighting system since this area is flown over often with helicopters, so what lighting system would be best also? Any ideas appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for a response there dirtyboy. I think I answered my own question after re-reading one of subcools threads. My object is to get the maximum weight off of each plant and not how many pots that I can stick in a grow room. Placing them side by side so they are crammed in there isn't allowing the light to reach the bottom layers of the plants and create tighter buds. I think I will stick with a 600 hps to cut down on the heat and odds of anything going wrong, and place 4-6 max plants in there so I will have room to LST them.