high volume rosin pressing


Well-Known Member
Im about to squish about a pound of flower into rosin with my 10 ton 4 x 6. I have a pre press for doing 2x4 bricks with up to 20g or so in them, but i just cant match the return that i get with 7g in a bottle tech config. I seem to do ok running 2 bottle tech side by side for 14g per press, but thats still a lot of time since bottle tech takes a minute to pack properly. That would be 64 bags and 32 presses.

How would you press this much rosin with this setup? Im using 2 x 4.5 bags for my 7g bottle tech presses. Should i try larger bags and more flower?

i thought about doing hash rosin which would get me down to like 3 runs in the bubble bags and just a few presses, but im not feeling great about the return with that method. I know it would be amazing stuff, but my flower rosin is also amazing and will yeild much better.