High Times


Well-Known Member
Just went to target today and saw a High Times. Been 30yrs so i was pretty psyched to buy one..
After skimming through i am thoroughly disappointed.
Dominated with commercial growing articles/interviews
Not a single homegrow
No bud of the month
No ad for the phototron

This is some bullshit!
I think they came out in the mid-70s didn't they? I remember driving down to high on the hill in Cincinnati and picking up a high times magazine. Very seldom did I buy bud that looked like anything in the magazine. My buddy bought an isomerizer down at high on the hill back then. I like it better now. I just bought a zip of Durban Poison for 120 in Michigan. Back in the day I drive around for an hour or two to find something worth buying. And then it wasn't worth buying.
Hiya'll cannabuddies, nice day for a saturday.
I never bought HT, i hadda save my $ for lids (as they called 'em back in the day).
I think they came out in the mid-70s didn't they? I remember driving down to high
on the hill in Cincinnati and picking up a high times magazine. Very seldom did I buy
bud that looked like anything in the magazine.
Hell ta the no! Not back then!

Anybody ever buy a lid? Why did they call 'em "lids" anyway? Remember ounces
for 10 bux? Anybody? Heehee. Red eye shit, make you eat like a pig coming off a serious
crash diet. Heehee, my buds and I'd smoke jay's all saturday, listen to grateful dead, or
hendrix or cream on my monaural hifi, sit around for a couple hours, somebody'd say
"Hey, got any food?" We'd raid my paltry pantry, get out some bread, butter, or crackers a
can a chili, gobble that down. Fire up another jay or two, couple hours later, do-over again.
But about then, i'd be outta damn food, so we'd jump in who ever had a car, and head down to donuts,
grocery store, or where ever there was a bite, get more food, eat it, rinse and repeat. This
might go on for 12 or more hours on a saturday. Those were the days. We never thot it'd
ever be legal, but we dreamed about it. Some of the best smoke I ever had back then, really.
Wth's this gotta do with HT? Well, it wasn't even a thing back then, so I never bought it when
it did begin publication. But if i ever saw it, kinda like playboy, i didn't read the articles but i'd
sure look at the pix. I hesitate to post this link, but wtf, i say:
Anyhow, pix or articles, wotev, RIU is hands down 10 X better than HT ever was. Can i get a hooyah? :leaf:
High Times introduced me to The SSSC and The Seedbank.
Phototron I had two friends buy them. As I recall the phototron formula made your seeds all female. This was way before female seeds. Am I hallucinating in my old age. How is that possible.
Hiya'll cannabuddies, nice day for a saturday.
I never bought HT, i hadda save my $ for lids (as they called 'em back in the day).
Hell ta the no! Not back then!

Anybody ever buy a lid? Why did they call 'em "lids" anyway? Remember ounces
for 10 bux? Anybody? Heehee. Red eye shit, make you eat like a pig coming off a serious
crash diet. Heehee, my buds and I'd smoke jay's all saturday, listen to grateful dead, or
hendrix or cream on my monaural hifi, sit around for a couple hours, somebody'd say
"Hey, got any food?" We'd raid my paltry pantry, get out some bread, butter, or crackers a
can a chili, gobble that down. Fire up another jay or two, couple hours later, do-over again.
But about then, i'd be outta damn food, so we'd jump in who ever had a car, and head down to donuts,
grocery store, or where ever there was a bite, get more food, eat it, rinse and repeat. This
might go on for 12 or more hours on a saturday. Those were the days. We never thot it'd
ever be legal, but we dreamed about it. Some of the best smoke I ever had back then, really.
Wth's this gotta do with HT? Well, it wasn't even a thing back then, so I never bought it when
it did begin publication. But if i ever saw it, kinda like playboy, i didn't read the articles but i'd
sure look at the pix. I hesitate to post this link, but wtf, i say:
Anyhow, pix or articles, wotev, RIU is hands down 10 X better than HT ever was. Can i get a hooyah? :leaf:
I think they came out in the mid-70s didn't they? I remember driving down to high on the hill in Cincinnati and picking up a high times magazine. Very seldom did I buy bud that looked like anything in the magazine. My buddy bought an isomerizer down at high on the hill back then. I like it better now. I just bought a zip of Durban Poison for 120 in Michigan. Back in the day I drive around for an hour or two to find something worth buying. And then it wasn't worth buying.

First publication was 76..
High Times was shit 20 years ago. All magazines are just advertising catalogues now. I'm into classic VWs, if you buy a VW magazine these days it is 75% adverts and featured cars that have been restored by their sponsors.