High side f&d table


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about trying to make a f&d table out of these storage totes from lowes.

I would stack one on top of the other using the bottom one for a res and top for the table.

Does anyone see a problem with using the high sided tub as a table? I'll be trimming off all lower growth and using 6" tall pots.

I'd use that as a reservoir. Then build a pvc table for a Cement Mixing Tub as your actual flood table. Lot easier.


Well-Known Member
My real question, though, is will the high sides of the tote give me any problems if I have 6" tall pots and I plan to trim the lower branches.


Well-Known Member
There we go. That just might work out. Thank you, don't know how I missed that.
Yeah man. Just use a normal fitting kilt that you would on a normal table and make them al the way in the corners to where there's one on each at one of the ends.then you can pop it up just slightly and it drains literally almost all of the water.
I would use net pots you've wrapped the outside of with black plastic and tape off. Leave like 1/4-1/2" of open net pot at the very bottom so water can easily enter through it and the open bottom. That way you don't have to tally fill it with hydroponic and you can actually transplant and move them to a new spot if you wanted to.