High ppm out of the tap question


Active Member
My water out of the tap is 380. I have some plants that are about a week old. If I want my ppm say at 900 do I add 520 ppm to make a total of 900 or do I add 900 for a total of 1280? Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
my tap was like that in my city, i used a brita filter to bring it down a couple hundred, didnt worry too much about the additional ppm it added.


Active Member
to answer your question, i think you should just shoot for 900ppm. most of that 380ppm is probably Ca and Mg, which is all good stuff, so i wouldn't filter it out. my tap is 200-250ppm. i like to bump that up to 500ppm with more calmag, then add my nutes to whatever i'm shooting for (900, 1200, 1600ppm).

too high a ppm too early will suck water out of the cells and into the solution via osmosis causing a mean wilt, even death. i've done it in both soil and hydro and see many other people make the same mistake. too much too soon. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasmolysis. basically, you want to gradually ramp up your ppms. if your feed is too hot and you see an almost immediate wilt (within a few hours), flush it or at least do a partial flush and dilute it down.

one thing i noticed is that if i cut clippings from a mother that i'm feeding 1200ppm, the clipping has no problem going directly into a 1200ppm cloner as long as you take a nice, healthy clipping. seedlings? i dunno.


Well-Known Member
I got around the same ppm in my tap, its hard water. Like haole said its easy to burn them go half strength max.
Especially when they are small, go 1/4 strength. You would probably be better off getting a 5 gallon jug or jugs and fill that with r/o water at one of those water stores. I filled three at a time for about a year. Then I bought my own r/o unit. I guess it depends on how big your res is and how often you plan on changing it.

Ya know, another option for clean enough water is those tallboy filters. I got one of those too for my soil grows.

Oh to answer your question add 520