High from the Fiend


Hi all,nice site you have going here.I have been growing for 28 years now both Hydro and Hydro organic,always new stuff to learn,Im usually growing long flowering sativas but right now im giving white berry a try as i just returned from living in Asia and needed a fast turnover plant,also have, cheeseXgold ColombianXKerela one of my own crosses growing,in future post i hope to be showing my Highland Thai/Myanmar border worked landraces,Thanks all.SF:lol:COLXKUSHXKERELA.jpgDSC00206_resize.JPG030.jpgHere we haveHighland Thai second two,and Colombian X Ht x cheese


Well-Known Member
high sativafiend welcome to the site I have some cotton candy growing and may need your help soon. I'll look out for you in the forum. happy you've joined :)