High co2 levels at times- can this cause stress?


Well-Known Member
One of my plants has went hermie on me. I am trying to figure out what caused it. I haven't stressed my plants out in any way. No there are no light leaks, ph is fine and all the other stuff.

However i recently added co2 to the grow room, at first i was just cracking the bottle and lettin it run to what the co2 calculator said to do. Soon after i bought a monitor and have been maintaining 1500ppm. The electric solenoid valve has stuck open a few times pushing co2 levels above 2000ppm...my monitor reads "Hi CO2" after 2000ppm, so it could be higher than that.

Can this cause a plant to hermie? The high co2 were quickly brought back to recommended levels....no more than a half an hour or so.

Im sick of that "one hermie" every fuckin grow.
High enough c02 for too long will cause c02 poisoning and kill the plant.

If your plants are fine and you fixed the high c02, then nothing will happen.

As for your single hermy each grow, enter your grow room right after the lights went off. Walk around and tape all the lights on your timers and power strips and check for tiny bits of light around your door and ductings and whatnot. Light leaks cause your single hermy plant.