High CBD with little THC seeds?


Well-Known Member
I know this has been asked before, but the CBD stuff is so constantly fluid right now, I figured I’d throw this out there. Anyway, I’m looking for a nice, high CBD seed, preferably female.

I’m a med patient and have always loved THC, still do. I have been growing since the 80s. Now as we all get older, my older dogs are benefiting from CBD and my wife has started taking drops for her neck pain and stress.

So, CBD oil is not cheap, I get 300mg drops for $40 around here. So, I want to dedicate some room in my grow for a great CBD strain. I already make chocolate, gummies, butter, tincture, etc. from my regular lineup. I want a good, none psychoactive plant I can use.

Can anyone suggest a good strain and seed bank in the US? Since the end products will be for dogs (and the wife, who does NOT like being stoned), I need something high CBD and as low THC as possible. I’ve dealt with high dogs (and wife, lol!) and can’t risk that again!

Thanks for reading and I look forward to buying something suggested here.
Here in Canada Dana Larsen has been giving away 100 hemp seeds free and now opium poppy seeds as well. Not sure if they will send to the US but if you have a Canadian buddy then maybe you could get some that way. I like CBD too but am growing one that has 2 - 4% THC and up to 20% CBD. Definitely get a buzz but low level and more like being a little tipsy on booze than a pot high. I make it into cocobudder rather than smoke it and it works great for my arthritis but I need a good sativa too for the depression.

The seeds Dana gives away are commercial hemp seeds that may have around 6 - 8% CBD so I never bothered getting any.

I have been asked to grow a "Ringo's Gift CBD" seed.
The site it was ordered from is Can I believe, but there is a US side too I think. (pacificseedbank)
Quote from site "Ringo’s Gift is a hybrid with impressive CBD levels. The ratio of this strain varies from 1:1 to 24:1 (CBD to THC). "
I'm not saying they are what they say or they are any good...just doing a favor for a friend.
I was asked to grow it up to make 8-10 clones for an outdoor grow he wants to do and I can keep the mother...so why not. :P
Truly hoping for the best from it, but we will have a few more months before I can try it out...lol
He also gave me some Jack Herer seeds (30+) and said "my friend gave me these and said they are first generation, what ever that means". He is new to growing and does it for his wife...hes an older gent in his 70s I'd say and he friend was an older gent too...so who knows what they really are...yet.
That bank is in Holland and I’d rather buy in the US. I do need something like that Alpine Star, minimal THC and high CBD. A lot of so called CBD strains are 1:1 or upwards to 7% THC...
Here in Canada Dana Larsen has been giving away 100 hemp seeds free and now opium poppy seeds as well. Not sure if they will send to the US but if you have a Canadian buddy then maybe you could get some that way. I like CBD too but am growing one that has 2 - 4% THC and up to 20% CBD. Definitely get a buzz but low level and more like being a little tipsy on booze than a pot high. I make it into cocobudder rather than smoke it and it works great for my arthritis but I need a good sativa too for the depression.

The seeds Dana gives away are commercial hemp seeds that may have around 6 - 8% CBD so I never bothered getting any.

Darn, seeds are not available, I would have like to have tried them.
I found it! I am growing their Bounty Hunter, which is amazing.

I know this has been asked before, but the CBD stuff is so constantly fluid right now, I figured I’d throw this out there. Anyway, I’m looking for a nice, high CBD seed, preferably female.

I’m a med patient and have always loved THC, still do. I have been growing since the 80s. Now as we all get older, my older dogs are benefiting from CBD and my wife has started taking drops for her neck pain and stress.

So, CBD oil is not cheap, I get 300mg drops for $40 around here. So, I want to dedicate some room in my grow for a great CBD strain. I already make chocolate, gummies, butter, tincture, etc. from my regular lineup. I want a good, none psychoactive plant I can use.

Can anyone suggest a good strain and seed bank in the US? Since the end products will be for dogs (and the wife, who does NOT like being stoned), I need something high CBD and as low THC as possible. I’ve dealt with high dogs (and wife, lol!) and can’t risk that again!

Thanks for reading and I look forward to buying something suggested here.
I have heard good things about ACDC

I just got 10 Charlotte's Web fem today. It has the lowest THC and highest CBD I have seen which is what I was after. We shall see.
I found it! I am growing their Bounty Hunter, which is amazing.

I grew out a few cherry wines f2s and got a really bad hermi. It is probably because the f2 generation has a very large array of traits you could get. Be careful not to grow these near your crop until certain, mine dusted my whole grow :(
I grew out a few cherry wines f2s and got a really bad hermi. It is probably because the f2 generation has a very large array of traits you could get. Be careful not to grow these near your crop until certain, mine dusted my whole grow :(
I have yet to hear from anyone who bought those Cherry Wine F2 seeds that didn't get all males or hermies. Did you get any females? Every one I've germinated so far has been a male.
i had one female out of 8 and it was looking good until around 30-40 days and then it developed full white sacs throughout the buds