Hi There From DragonBear


New to growing. Been using another forum but I'm thinking of switching over this one. There seems to be more users/traffic.

Started smoking when I was 18 with a friend. Hotboxed his car to get me high the first time. Couple decades later I find myself growing my first plants.

I have a few autoflowers going. One just finished, one about a week away and some others in early/mid flower. Also have some bag seed plants going that I'm 'testing the waters' with.

Hi to all

Garden 1.jpeg
New to growing. Been using another forum but I'm thinking of switching over this one. There seems to be more users/traffic.

Started smoking when I was 18 with a friend. Hotboxed his car to get me high the first time. Couple decades later I find myself growing my first plants.

I have a few autoflowers going. One just finished, one about a week away and some others in early/mid flower. Also have some bag seed plants going that I'm 'testing the waters' with.

Hi to all

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Welcome to RIU
Lots of useful, funny and sarcastic individuals. Try not to take anything personal. Most really want to help, and poke fun at the same time. Good luck and happy growing.