Hi, Im new . . . some pics and some advice needed....


First off, brilliant site - love it.
Attached are some pics of 3 plants Im growing from bag seeds.
Ive just started yesterday on a red / blue 600 watt HPS light after running 2 months on a 125 watt flourescent blue.
Im just learning and practising on these guys before I buy some seeds.
1st question - my light is about 20 inches from my plants is that ok? I cant go any higher due to the height of my ceiling.
2nd question - I want to buy some seeds and need a nice mild stone that isnt going to grow too tall - I was goin to go for white widow but some adverst reckon they are tall plants.


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
1. Yes 20" away should be fine for now. Will you be able to accomidate the plants until they finish flowering? Plants commonly double in size during flowering.

2. We like our MF. You might try getting a variety of singles from Worldwide Seeds. Find your favorite and then get a whole pack of that strain. I take it you enjoy crosses like in the white family? Have your tried more sativa or indica varieties?

Nice looking plants btw.


Active Member
simply just put your hand on the top leaf of the plant if your hand isnt hot move the light closer until it is hot. Just move the light as close as you can without it making the plant burn or be to hot. And Rise as plant grows. You want short bushy plants since your space isnt that big.


Well-Known Member
There are different techniques you can use to grow out almost any size plant. Try looking into LSTing and topping or fimming. These are all ways you can control height issues allowing for you to go with pretty much what you want.


Active Member
like the others said you shoul be fine for now but your plants are going to get bigger and if you cant raise your lights anymore now your probably going to have issues later. looks like you have enough room to start tying your plants back a little to get the plants to bush out instead of grow taller for now. white widow does get tall but you can employ other methods to compensate like topping & bending like the others suggested. do some reading on various threads. everything you need is here. there is a wealth of info you can gain here to grow some serious dank. try attitude seeds and look for a indica dominant or something not to tall at first and move on from there. good luck