Hi I'm Me3

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

can we get a uk moderator so this dick and others like him can be banned at any hour of the day please?

if this warrants a yellow sticker. feel free



Well-Known Member
Theres nothing that can really be done. Even if they ban it you can just keep making accounts, emails are easy, ips are a joke. Best thing to do is ignore it and it will go away. yes your a it, i dont consider you a person. :D :leaf:


Global Moderator
Staff member
Its really pathetic and sad that someone feels the need to express themselves like this.
Gives quite an insight into what must be a gaping personality flaw.


Well-Known Member
Once I turned images off on my browser my hunger came back and I feel like I could actually cook some breakfast now. I recommend it.


Well-Known Member
Once I turned images off on my browser my hunger came back and I feel like I could actually cook some breakfast now. I recommend it.
yea i just added him to my ignore list, no more pics but hes still cluttering up the board


Well-Known Member
That shit is fucking disgusting...but hey to each their own...the whole thread about him is exactly the attention he was looking for..maybe hell get dyptheria from eating shity asses

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I realise this clown is getting the attention he is lacking from other sources but if more can't stop this from happening then the system needs changing imo


Well-Known Member
He will go away soon,they allways do.

Once he feels he's made the members & staff pay for their wrong doings twords him he's gonna be gone.

I'd bet money its a long term member who is mad about something so this is his pissy little way of acting out.


Well-Known Member
What kind of sick fuck takes the time to find the most disgusting and revolting images in existence and to post them in a public forum? This guy belongs in the mental hospital no joke, straight jacket and muzzle. Dude is definitely not stable. Ignored him for sure, reported many of his posts, pm'd potroast. Did all I can to help get rid of this psycho, come on mods and admins, get on it!!