Hi. Help with picking the best led strips for a 4×4. And explain why please

Blux vestas: for 120 you have all the chips for a 2x4, almost 2400 diodes, and can run the them between .1-.2w per diode. Throw in driver, 3M selfadhesive and some alu sinking for another 100. Running strips hard is defeating the purpose of getting good spread. 120w thru 4 feet of strip? Why not try to put it thru 12 feet instead.
Their specs dont really shine but i guess you just have to see it for your self.
Blux vestas: for 120 you have all the chips for a 2x4, almost 2400 diodes, and can run the them between .1-.2w per diode. Throw in driver, 3M selfadhesive and some alu sinking for another 100. Running strips hard is defeating the purpose of getting good spread. 120w thru 4 feet of strip? Why not try to put it thru 12 feet instead.
Their specs dont really shine but i guess you just have to see it for your self.
I always forget about those Vestas. Really ought to try them myself sometime.
My logic says if you're going to use strips, use them for their advantage. SPREAD.
120W per strip means 4 in a 4x4. That's why the growcraft doesn't even interest me really.
If I was gonna build a strip light, I'd wanna use dozens of them spaced closer together gradually towards the ends.
PLC took down their notice of "probably in stock next week". Now it just says Out of Stock and it's been that way for weeks. I'm bummed. I bought all the parts for a build to fit the PLC strips ($435) but no PLC strips & they do not respond to e-mail.
I must have broken rules. My posts are gone. so I assume you can't refer to or link to products. I see other product names so it must have been the links. Sorry if I offended anyone.