Hi from HI


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! I've been browsing for a couple years but have never posted. Been smoking for ever and have always wanted to grow but never have becuase I was scared and living in a non-med state. After moving to Hawaii (a med state) I can finally persue my passion of trying to grow my own.

Thanks for all of the knowledge I've soaked up over the years...I feel far more prepared to grow than some friends who just tried to figure it out on their own.

If anyone here is in the Big Island send me a private message, I'm curious is there are any others on here in the area. Thanks! bongsmilie

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Damn! you have been here for a couple years, in fact we joined on the same month. check out the hawaii thread in the outdoor section dude, plenty of info there pertaining to hawaii growing conditions. even if you grow indoors, check it out. also a few people from the big island post often in there. laterz dude