Hi Everyone

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to say high! Just joined this morning, but I am a long time lurker and grower. I joined because I just finally needed a voice on here! I have a big mouth and some of you probably won't like me, but I'm sure I'll get along with most of you as long as common sense is present. Can't wait to learn and grow with all of you! Hope you all have something to smoke and wishing you all a good grow,

:leaf:BC's Finest:leaf:


bud bootlegger
welcome to riu bc finest.. i'm sure you'll fit in just fine around here, and just thought i'd say hello.. always nice to have some new faces around here for sure..
Sorry but I had to throw in some sarcasm at the ignorance! British Columbia is a province, much like a state only way bigger. Its that huge mountain range that's above Washington state. I'm sure you know that and what you meant to say Vancouver is a nice city...

:leaf:BC's Finest:leaf: