Hi everyone when should i transfer my plants outside??


ive got a purple dream whose 15 days old and a northern abyss whose 12 days old and the others are germinated seeds i just put in soil. im currently growing under cfls and i just need to know when the right time to begin the transition to the great outdoors. thanks everyone any advice is welcome ive never grown and this is my second grow in general and the first wasnt too great but these seeds are growing way better than mine from last year, thanks again everyone this site is always such a good help!! - matt
not the true color btw its partially seen in the other picture but ya the leaves doing too well so if anyone has any tips on what i could do to help it that would also be great i also gave it some epsom salt dilute. purple dream 14 days old.jpgNorthern Abyss 11 days old.jpg


Well-Known Member
After last frost:)........Any time if you live in Cali.,and you have to harden them off, to let them get used to change.Read up!GL.


thanks man :) ive been reading alot i know after the last frost im just wondering around what age i should start hardening them off n thanks for the reply :)


Well-Known Member
YW......You can put them out when ever you want,their always ready:lol:To harden off,just put it in the shade for the first couple(2-3)days.Then gradually give it more direct sunlight....1 hour at a time at a time each day....hope I make sense,im sleepy 1:23a.m.Do some more reading on growing cannabis.GL.peace