Hi Everyone! What's haaaappening?


Hi all,

Just found this site and it looks super cool. As with most here, I'm a big fan of the sticky nugs. Probably been smoking for 25 years or so. I'm from the Boston area where it's basically hit or miss. Right now, it's been a big miss for me, but oh well...it's all good. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Hey Nuggy welcome. Got some chums who moved to Boston a decade or so back. They claim its a great town. Lots of kewlish watering holes and history etc.


Well-Known Member
Always good to have veteran smokers join the community. Welcome to RIU!

so 25 years huh? Damn, wat kinda strains did you get back in the 80's? I swear theres nothing better than listening to old hippies stories about the kind of weed they smoked 30 years ago :)


Well-Known Member
scary considering the " 80's " was 30 years ago. thanks for bringing that to much attention..... dam does time fly and iv wasted it smoking and reading stuff on hear. Welcome to the forums! good to see some veterans