Hi Everyone - a quick question?

Hi All,

I am new to the forum. I haven't grown for a number of years and I wanted to post some photos to help identify the sex of my plants. I think that it is still slightly too early but any help would be appreciated.

I have only ever had female seeds (Hindu Kush, Afghan Widow, Durban Poison and Super Skunk) and I grow outdoors in the UK...100 % organic and chemical free. Due to this fact I am struggling with the two plants I currently have.

P.s. sorry if the photos are not great.




Well-Known Member
Welcome to Riu,I cant really see em,just look for the white pistils.
What is the amount of daylight hrs there getting?
Currently they are getting natural light as they are outdoors 24/7. I suspect I am going to have to wait a week or so as any pistils are not showing yet. As I don't know the variety I don't know the flowering period.

I will post an update in a week if I am still unsure.



Well-Known Member
I understand that..........When does the Sunrise n Set....LOL amount of daylight?
Need around 12-14 hrs of darkness, on most strains,to induce flowering,preflowers for me 4-5 weeks,old plants.
Ahhh, I see the light.

Just worked it out and maybe I am being slightly premature. Currently sunrise is at 05:45 and sunset is at 20:45. I would say that my plants are only getting about 9 hours of real darkness. I think I may have to wait a few weeks for the nights to draw in...maybe longer!


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, I see the light.

Just worked it out and maybe I am being slightly premature. Currently sunrise is at 05:45 and sunset is at 20:45. I would say that my plants are only getting about 9 hours of real darkness. I think I may have to wait a few weeks for the nights to draw in...maybe longer!
A few more weeks, and you should be able to see sex,on the bigger ones.
Hey Beech,

To answer the first question of hacking. I am limited for space and I am also trying to keep them out of sight of nosey neighbours...so I have been pruning (this has stopped now that flowering is due to start).

The close up pic that I have added is starting to show something, but still early. I just hope at least one is female. If not I am gonna let the seed pods grow and try to get a small amount of pollen (never tried this though).

As summer is late and fruit on trees are late too I am starting to think that it's gonna be a race against any frost that may come in. Currently we are getting about 14 hours of light. Is it worth me bringing them into the garage which is almost totally dark (thus cutting light down to about 10/11 hours)?
