Hi anyone from Indo?


I am going to be moving to Indonesia from the US soon, and. Hear they have some of the strictest drug laws n the world. Makeing a green friend there would be a good idea for me, anyone from. There?. Allso any travel advice would be helpfull.


Moving to West Java at first but hope to end up in Bali. ; ) hear i can find the busy bud and waves there. : )

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Moving to West Java at first but hope to end up in Bali. ; ) hear i can find the busy bud and waves there. : )
I was just gonna say dude, I hope you surf cause the waves are awesome there. G-land, uluwatatu, padang padang, etc., etc. lucky you. I hear the working girls there are pretty dope too and can be had for a bargain;) be careful though, you don't wanna get busted in indo. you ever watched locked up abroad? lol