Hey Hey

I've been an enthusiast for 20 years now and am only on my 2nd grow. I have an extreme stealth closet grow going. False wall in the back. Im using Cfls mainly cause I had them. I'm using 2 105w daylights and 6 23w daylights on 3 plants. Not sure of the strains, but I know one is a killer indica given to me. Soil is a nice fluffy mixture my mother uses for her indoor tomatoes. All in all, I have $5 into this (pots). I plan on using a fermentation Co2 set up.
I am a medical user and am eagerly awaiting medicinal legalization to pass here in Illinois. I work in the health field and I watch as people suffer from the ill effects of chemo and wasting effects of HIV. I personally suffer from a condition that is the opposite of narcolepsy. I literally can't sleep for 4 or 5 days at a time. Docs have had me on everything from Trazadone to huge amounts of ativan with little or no effect, except turning me into a mindless zombie. Herb is the ONLY thing I have found that helps me maintain a regular sleep schedule. I use with my Dr's support, off the record of course.
Anyway, I have been lurking about here for a while and I thought it might be time to jump in here and thank all of you for the great info that is available. I will post some pics soon.


Hi and welcome to your new home.... Pull up a chair and spark a fat one up.

The doctors over there are sooooooo cool! Wish we could get medical use over here, but then again we have got Amsterdam on our doorstep LOL...