hey guys i think i found a deal lol

cannabis kid

New Member
okay so i was at costco just browsing the cfls not looking to buy anything because i new they wouldnt have anything good. then i looked farther down the shelf and found the flood lights and said oh sick maybe they have like some hps things so i looked and basically what it was was a 65 watt cfl in a white nicely made reflector... the coolest part is that it was only 10 dollars and you could just plug it into a wall socket. could i have found something good or is this just a peice of crap?:-P:-P:-P

fat sam

Well-Known Member
they actually work, im using 2 of those from homedepot( $22) for side lighting in my tent, just make sure to check the kelvin temp on the bulbs, mine are soft white which work ok for veg but they compliment the hps well

cannabis kid

New Member
the one i found was 6500k thats another thing that was weird about it i think i saw a 2900k one and there big lights to like 8 inhces long so good plant coverage


Well-Known Member
ive been using the 6500k in my veg cabinets, they been working alright. Just picked up a 50w mh. Ill let you know if i see any noticable difference between the two


Well-Known Member
$10 for 65w is a great price if it's the right thing. The long cfl bulbs are good, not the round ones shaped like a halogen floodlight with a twirly bulb hidden inside.

Do you have a link for those? I'd like to look up the lumens, I'm looking for a couple 6500k cfl's to add with 150hps's but I'm not yet a Costco member so I can't just run over and look I'd have to get a friend to go get a couple.

cannabis kid

New Member
it was 7400 lumens. and nope these have the long cfl bulbs. but yeah defenitly have your friend get a few of these. tomoro im gunna go get like 2 so ill post some pics then