hey from the beach


Active Member
hello fellow rollers, wanted to say thanks for all the great info everyone provides, not to mention the laughs. I'm betting I'm senior to most of you out there. Have had a few successful outside grows over the years, but last July a security issue forced me inside and thanks to some of the info I got from here I'm into week 4 of flowering an awesome inside crop.
I had 8 females on July 15th outside in the ground that were between 8-9 feet, bushy, and awesome. As well as 12 potted plants in the same area. White Widow, Orange Bud, and Skunk 1 were represented. I had never had a prob before, I'm in a pretty private, secluded area. But on July 16th, as I watered I noticed one eight footer snapped in half, and then a potted widow was missing. Kinda stupid, they were all leaves of course, no buds at all yet. Security being my biggest concern, I ripped the plants in ground out and took 50 clones or so, and the potteds I set up inside under some poor cfl lighting put together quick. Long story short, the widows were just harvested, no where near what they should have been. But the clones were vegged just 4 weeks, then put under a spanking new 600w HPS (with some LED supplements, just for fun) in a 14 sq ft room and now into week 4 they are doing incredible. I planned on going sea of green, but the light coverage seems to be doing great things even on the lower branches, so I only trimmed a bit. I'll have pics posted soon.
moral: I guess it's don't be complacent about security, but I'm not telling anyone anything they don't already know


New Member
hello fellow rollers, wanted to say thanks for all the great info everyone provides, not to mention the laughs. I'm betting I'm senior to most of you out there. Have had a few successful outside grows over the years, but last July a security issue forced me inside and thanks to some of the info I got from here I'm into week 4 of flowering an awesome inside crop.
I had 8 females on July 15th outside in the ground that were between 8-9 feet, bushy, and awesome. As well as 12 potted plants in the same area. White Widow, Orange Bud, and Skunk 1 were represented. I had never had a prob before, I'm in a pretty private, secluded area. But on July 16th, as I watered I noticed one eight footer snapped in half, and then a potted widow was missing. Kinda stupid, they were all leaves of course, no buds at all yet. Security being my biggest concern, I ripped the plants in ground out and took 50 clones or so, and the potteds I set up inside under some poor cfl lighting put together quick. Long story short, the widows were just harvested, no where near what they should have been. But the clones were vegged just 4 weeks, then put under a spanking new 600w HPS (with some LED supplements, just for fun) in a 14 sq ft room and now into week 4 they are doing incredible. I planned on going sea of green, but the light coverage seems to be doing great things even on the lower branches, so I only trimmed a bit. I'll have pics posted soon.
moral: I guess it's don't be complacent about security, but I'm not telling anyone anything they don't already know
Thats just down right bad luck my friend, welcome from scotland..