Hey everyone. My name's Zach and I'm addicted to Cannabis, :D


"Hi Zach"

Hey everyone, I'm growing my first plant and so far things have gone.. really bad but better than expected.

1st off I have this proble with my plants primary stem, it seems just an inch or so before the stem hits the soil there is an outer layer of yellowish, dead stem that underneath is fine. What's this mean for the near future?

2nd off the plant is Strawberry Cough but lately has deveploed purple blots on the pot leaves and small nuglets manifesting. From medicating upon his particular strain a few times over, I recall not seeing any purple in the Cannabis. Anyone?

3rd off the plant will uproot for a few bits before arching slight, but noticeable, to one angle before resuming to reach straight up. It gives the impression of a tilted plant. The odd thing about this is that the plant had a little bro/sis that had the same root problem growing up. Answers?