hey everyone! got a question on how the watering works


New Member
so to start, i have two mk ultra clones in soil, i just got them tonight, good condition.
i was wondering when to water these clones and when to introduce the fertilizer?
should i water them every day? every other day?
basically i want to know a good watering and fertilizer schedule?

any info would help

and also is it benificial to the plant to spray it with sodium free carbonated water?

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
When they root and they are in seedling soil when you trans plant it into new soil that already has plant food in it don't feed it. Don't feed it for the first 2 waterings. When you start feeding them give them around 1/8 strength at first and see how it reacts and go from there. As for misting the plant its self don't do it because your giving a perfect environment for bad things to start happening and you want to avoid that.