Hey America, how do you smoke green?


Yeh so I'm from the mexico of Australia, and we're a bit weird down here. We smoke our cones (bowls) with a mix of weed and tobacco, and you're expected to thumbscrew it, haystack it, and smoke the whole thing in one rip.

Also you smoke out of what's called a springer, which is a glass chamber/PVC pipe 2 piece design with an automotive hose clamp to seal, the cone is brass, the stem is steel, there is a shotty (carb) on the back opposite the stem. The PVC pipe and glass chamber are replaceable parts that go in the bin whenever they look gross enough.

One is pictured below, the owner has pulled the pipe off to fill the chamber with ice, and taken the photo before reattaching the hose clamp (for which you can just see the wear marks on the PVC near his thumb). Whole thing costs like $10 and 10 minutes to make, plus you get to drink the juice* that came in the chamber :p

*The orange & mango juice, not the bong juice ;)

That's how I've smoked for the last 9 years, (well on and off, I have owned a dozen or so full glass pieces but they only ever last about 3 months before some fuckwit breaks them) but I know it's weird for everyone else because as far as I know most places in the world just smoke straight green?

It's become a pressing issue cause I don't really want to be smoking tobacco, getting too old for that shit, also the price of tobacco is climbing past $55/50gm which is absurd. I need to train myself to smoke green.

So how do you guys do it? I've tried it once or twice and it is just absolute murder on the throat. Those long, painful, 'flavourful' coughing fits are the worst.

Any tips on how I can smoke green? Should I pack smaller cones? Should I be taking little tokes on it instead of one big rip? Is there something I can do to the bong to make it smoother? Any advice would be appreciated.

oh yeh fyi springers look like shit but they are actually very good. They're consistent and about the same smoke quality as an above average glass chamber/glass pipe one piece.

Thanks guys
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Nice bong. Id have a rip with you if i had a ticket on jet blue. Are you growing yet?
Yeh I did a few grows back in 2012, uhhhhh things did not go very well.
First crop got sold fine, second and third both got stolen. Hydro setup got stolen and profits from crop one went to replacing it, then second hydro setup got stolen and that's right about where I said 'fuqdat'. Found the whole thing very depressing because (without trying to toot my own horn), I was actually really good at growing. I'm meticulous, a perfectionist, and a nerd heh, did an awful lot of research and every move I made was fact checked and backed up by science. Had that grow operation humming like a new lamborghini.

Unfortunately my black market skills are nowhere near as good as my growing skills, made bad decisions, paid for it. Still have 2 grand of unpaid electric bills from that year. Being an illegal grow means there's no avenue to turn to when shit hits the fan and your stuff goes walking. I don't have any sort of muscly connections that can collect debts or work protection for me, I seriously doubt I would get back into it unless it was legalized for recreational use and I could chase down debters in court.

That or if I had a place I could grow that was safe and isolated.

edit: Probably should mention that the money for the first hydro setup was from a loan shark

edit edit: couple of shots from my first ever crop, think was about 2-3 weeks before harvest?

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Well-Known Member
In America we use fire to smoke our weed ........first we take the fire apply it to the end of our joint,bowl,bong,bubbler, or kids trying to hide it a piece of fruit or vegetable/ modified soda can ...... packed with fine green then we suck really hard and blow out that's how we do it in America Lol jk. I love vaping have you tried it


In America we use fire to smoke our weed ........first we take the fire apply it to the end of our joint,bowl,bong,bubbler, or kids trying to hide it a piece of fruit or vegetable/ modified soda can ...... packed with fine green then we suck really hard and blow out that's how we do it in America Lol jk. I love vaping have you tried it
Oh god, cannies. Now that just instantly brings the taste of charred metal, paint, and vomit to my mouth. Wish I knew about apple pipes back in those days >_<

I actually haven't had a chance to vape yet. It's probably the perfect solution for me, isn't it kind of expensive though? I hear you need to lay out a few hundred dollars for those volcano things.


Well-Known Member
Oh god, cannies. Now that just instantly brings the taste of charred metal, paint, and vomit to my mouth. Wish I knew about apple pipes back in those days >_<

I actually haven't had a chance to vape yet. It's probably the perfect solution for me, isn't it kind of expensive though? I hear you need to lay out a few hundred dollars for those volcano things.
Yeah I remember the can days smoke and crush the can put back in dad's recycle bin lol lol. Yeah it's a little pricey to vape but it's awesome man if you havnt done it your missing out for sure it's legit I smoke and vape and i like edibles to lol


Staff member
In America we use fire to smoke our weed ........first we take the fire apply it to the end of our joint,bowl,bong,bubbler, or kids trying to hide it a piece of fruit or vegetable/ modified soda can ...... packed with fine green then we suck really hard and blow out that's how we do it in America Lol jk. I love vaping have you tried it
Ugh pop cans were the worst hahaha
Fuck but hey they worked


Well-Known Member
Ahhh nothing like mainlining Crystal Hempphetamine

So is there an economical way to get into vaping? Like an entry level vape that I can buy to see if I want to drop the cash on a big one?
I think they make some vape "pens" that you can smoke flower, and oils in. Good idea to do your homework and read up on them. Some have five year warrenties i believe. So even if the tiny piece of crap breaks you get another one for free. Those are usually a little more spendy like 150 american bucks but christmas is coming so maybe you found yourself a present for your wish list.


Well-Known Member
the price of tobacco is climbing past $55/50gm

Weed here costs as little as $5 a gram for good stuff.

Tobacco is nasty.


Well-Known Member
Closest thing to smoking weed with tobacco is buying a cigar cracking it and using the tobacco wrap to roll a blunt. I do joints and bowls mostly straight bud no stems or seeds vaping is kind of scarchy on my throat but some prefer it it also tastes shitty to me compared to smoking my herb. Edibles are also nice just only the weak ones don't taste like shit so I make pills for my edible needs.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Closest thing to smoking weed with tobacco is buying a cigar cracking it and using the tobacco wrap to roll a blunt. I do joints and bowls mostly straight bud no stems or seeds vaping is kind of scarchy on my throat but some prefer it it also tastes shitty to me compared to smoking my herb. Edibles are also nice just only the weak ones don't taste like shit so I make pills for my edible needs.
Yeah pretty much my experience with vaping too! I found it harsher than a bong hit!


Well-Known Member
I bought a Titan2 vape pen( for bud and can do oil on bud) around 6 months ago, liked it alot so I bought an "EZ Vape Digital" its a whip/table model. The Titan was around $50 and the EZ was $80. Disclaimer, a lifelong cig smoker with shot lungs and I thought I'dbe limited to edibles til I found the vapes


the price of tobacco is climbing past $55/50gm

Weed here costs as little as $5 a gram for good stuff.

Tobacco is nasty.
Yeh our government is trying to get rid of smoking tobacco altogether so the taxation on cigarettes increases every 6 months based on the consumer price index, then every September there is a 12.5% increase on the excise tax as well. It's gotten very very expensive, very very fast. Over double the cost compared to 2008

Weed here is pretty expensive, I buy a 1/2 at a time which sets me back about $150, that's a shade over $10/g


Ursus marijanus
Yeh so I'm from the mexico of Australia, and we're a bit weird down here. We smoke our cones (bowls) with a mix of weed and tobacco, and you're expected to thumbscrew it, haystack it, and smoke the whole thing in one rip.

Also you smoke out of what's called a springer, which is a glass chamber/PVC pipe 2 piece design with an automotive hose clamp to seal, the cone is brass, the stem is steel, there is a shotty (carb) on the back opposite the stem. The PVC pipe and glass chamber are replaceable parts that go in the bin whenever they look gross enough.

One is pictured below, the owner has pulled the pipe off to fill the chamber with ice, and taken the photo before reattaching the hose clamp (for which you can just see the wear marks on the PVC near his thumb). Whole thing costs like $10 and 10 minutes to make, plus you get to drink the juice* that came in the chamber :p

*The orange & mango juice, not the bong juice ;)

That's how I've smoked for the last 9 years, (well on and off, I have owned a dozen or so full glass pieces but they only ever last about 3 months before some fuckwit breaks them) but I know it's weird for everyone else because as far as I know most places in the world just smoke straight green?

It's become a pressing issue cause I don't really want to be smoking tobacco, getting too old for that shit, also the price of tobacco is climbing past $55/50gm which is absurd. I need to train myself to smoke green.

So how do you guys do it? I've tried it once or twice and it is just absolute murder on the throat. Those long, painful, 'flavourful' coughing fits are the worst.

Any tips on how I can smoke green? Should I pack smaller cones? Should I be taking little tokes on it instead of one big rip? Is there something I can do to the bong to make it smoother? Any advice would be appreciated.

oh yeh fyi springers look like shit but they are actually very good. They're consistent and about the same smoke quality as an above average glass chamber/glass pipe one piece.

Thanks guys
Take more, smaller hits


Yeh I might just do that, if I can't handle that I'll grab a vape, and if I can't handle that then fuckit I'll just decarb and eat that shit like popcorn ;)