Hey 2nd Amendment "Patriots", its time to step up and speak out for us.

Would you 'arm' your computer from outside hacking?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 20.0%

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Well-Known Member
After being confirmed during the Mueller testimony, that Russians have indeed been interfering with our elections using all kinds of internet tools. Breaking into the DNC shows that they are perfectly ok with downloading backdoors into Americans' computers. And it is clear from the testimony that the government is unable to stop it.

We need to be able to protect our property (computers/phones/ipads/etc) from people that would mean us harm. I don't know all the reasons why, I have never really worried about my 2nd amendment rights before and don't have the language down, but it stands that we need to have a way that if our computers are infiltrated from outside, it has a digital gun with some kind of virus as a bullet to stop the offending computer and send a report to law officials that this occurred.


Fuck the Russian government's tyranny. And any other country that is ok with trolling and hacking our systems. We have the right to arm ourselves and need to use it. We need to arm our properties systems to be able to virtually protect themselves.
Actually the Second Amendment’s basic principle it was founded on including the militia was to keep blacks from uprising. Don’t believe it? Start studying some of the uglier parts of our history prior to 1789. A good start would be the Stono Rebellion. Read why it happened on a Sunday.

Then read the resulting Negro Act of 1740. The defense against external armies with a militia is total bullshit. The British had already proved that when the Bill of Rights was written years later.

Idiots will start barking now but that’s exactly what the “founding fathers” had in mind.
Actually, the Second Amendment has nothing to do with fighting the government. Idiots turned it into that.

Here is the 2nd Amendment in its entirety:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
That was ratified in 1791 because of the fact that we had no such thing as police, sheriffs, local law enforcement, national guard or any other form of security at all. The town militia was it. If anything from wild animals (bear, wolf, what have you) to bandits to an invasion occurred, it was up to the local populace to defend the state and towns therein.

It was never intended as a catch-all "lets kill our government officials" type of absolute bullshit. The security of the State was left to the militia. The security of the nation was left to the Army.

Today, the 2nd amendment has long outlived any usefulness it ever had. If anything happens I have only to call:
  • The Gwinnett County Police
  • The Local Police
  • The Gwinnett County Sheriff
  • The Georgia State Patrol
  • The Georgia Bureau of Investigation
And those are just local. I still have a dozen federal agencies I can call as well.

Bullshit post is bullshit.
Actually, the Second Amendment has nothing to do with fighting the government. Idiots turned it into that.

Here is the 2nd Amendment in its entirety:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
That was ratified in 1791 because of the fact that we had no such thing as police, sheriffs, local law enforcement, national guard or any other form of security at all. The town militia was it. If anything from wild animals (bear, wolf, what have you) to bandits to an invasion occurred, it was up to the local populace to defend the state and towns therein.

It was never intended as a catch-all "lets kill our government officials" type of absolute bullshit. The security of the State was left to the militia. The security of the nation was left to the Army.

Today, the 2nd amendment has long outlived any usefulness it ever had. If anything happens I have only to call:
  • The Gwinnett County Police
  • The Local Police
  • The Gwinnett County Sheriff
  • The Georgia State Patrol
  • The Georgia Bureau of Investigation
And those are just local. I still have a dozen federal agencies I can call as well.

Bullshit post is bullshit.
I'm all for being able to defend myself -- but I don't need 75 round magazines, or suppressors.
And I certainly don't need an assault rifle.

I never wanted to carry a gun, but my circumstances made it necessary.
A 5-shot .38 is my weapon of choice -- because I can shoot.
We need to do something about foreign interference. I won't comment about gun rights aside from saying that I think training should be mandatory for ownership, not completely unlike driver's licenses.

I agree with the point. The gun lobby was the primary conduit for the interference with the 2016 presidential election. The overlap between gun nuts and patriotism is diminished, to say the least.
I'm all for being able to defend myself -- but I don't need 75 round magazines, or suppressors.
And I certainly don't need an assault rifle.

I never wanted to carry a gun, but my circumstances made it necessary.
A 5-shot .38 is my weapon of choice -- because I can shoot.

Same here.

I have a Colt Python and a Remington 870 Urban. I'm on the fence about a S&W 45 semi-auto. It's much smaller than the Colt and would be much easier to carry when I go riding. IF I ever get back to riding.
I can change the stupid cartoon I put in if it is wrong, idc, lol i was just making a point about wanting to protect my computer before it needs virus cleaning.

America just got punched in the face by Russia, and it is like we are still rocked by it. It is time to shake it off and go full Balboa.
But the bang bang machine makes my small wiener feel bigger

There's that.

Last summer at a cookout at a friends house, some fellow was showing off his modded AR15. Most folks were giving him shit over it being essentially a penis extension. Then of course he pulled out that same old, tired reason: "I use it for hunting".

I fired back, "If you need an AR15 to go hunting, you are in desperate need of some shooting lessons."

He didn't like me after that.
There's that.

Last summer at a cookout at a friends house, some fellow was showing off his modded AR15. Most folks were giving him shit over it being essentially a penis extension. Then of course he pulled out that same old, tired reason: "I use it for hunting".

I fired back, "If you need an AR15 to go hunting, you are in desperate need of some shooting lessons."

He didn't like me after that.
5.56 is a decent varmint round but most states have magazine restrictions for hunting. So even if he could legally hunt with his AR-15, he'd probably have to use a 5-round mag.

Similar to how shotguns must be "plugged" for waterfowl so they can only hold 3 shells.
There's that.

Last summer at a cookout at a friends house, some fellow was showing off his modded AR15. Most folks were giving him shit over it being essentially a penis extension. Then of course he pulled out that same old, tired reason: "I use it for hunting".

I fired back, "If you need an AR15 to go hunting, you are in desperate need of some shooting lessons."

He didn't like me after that.
We need to do something about foreign interference. I won't comment about gun rights aside from saying that I think training should be mandatory for ownership, not completely unlike driver's licenses.

I agree with the point. The gun lobby was the primary conduit for the interference with the 2016 presidential election. The overlap between gun nuts and patriotism is diminished, to say the least.
Mandatory training. Classroom and range. Military service suffices. Then licensed and mandatory insurance. Just treat it like cars eh?
You shoot your dumbass neighbors before they can vote eh?
wouldn't do that, but we have had more than our fair share of home invasions committed brazenly by mainly pill heads and meth tweakers within close proximity.
the only firearm i own is an old 38 special that my brother gave me years ago that I've kept in moth balls until the uptick in break-ins over the last several years, i still do not like guns. but i reluctantly was forced to keep it at arms reach hopefully until the local constabulary gets a better handle of the situation.
wouldn't do that, but we have had more than our fair share of home invasions committed brazenly by mainly pill heads and meth tweakers within close proximity.
the only firearm i own is an old 38 special that my brother gave me years ago that I've kept in moth balls until the uptick in break-ins over the last several years, i still do not like guns. but i reluctantly was forced to keep it at arms reach hopefully until the local constabulary gets a better handle of the situation.
It’s a tool. Not a solution. Shouldn’t be wielded by the timid or unwilling and there’s nothing wrong with that. It doesn’t make you any less of a man. However I encourage all to buy them and ammunition for use by those who will. Think of the Poles and the French WWII. The resistance. To wait until Hell comes to town to buy a fire truck is ridiculous.