Hexo Looses 62 million in last qtr.


Well-Known Member
Sounding like a broken record with these earnings reports! Drop in revenue, dropping margins, 25 million in imparement charges do to shwag sitting around un sold.

Also looks like they decided all the cannabis that was grown without a licence will be good to go on the shelves..lol "As previously disclosed on November 15, 2019, upon discovery of the licensing issue in Block B of the Company’s Niagara facility, inventory from Block B was quarantined and held back from sales. (even tho they admitted to already selling some) The inventory was kept on the books and although destruction was a possible outcome, the Company has reassessed any risks related to such inventory and concluded that it is cleared for sale and will not be subject to destruction. Note that Block B is now fully Licensed by Health Canada."
Good to know you can just grow unlicenced weed and just sell it without issues, cool im in.
its really a sad state, when you can,grow thousands of pounds of un-licensed weed, get caught,,,,some how manage to skirt any charges,or fines
and then get the green light to eventually sell that illegal product,in a legal market....its obviously ,who some of the members are in their pre-cannabis board lives.
then you read the Saskatchwan storey "
Sask. cops seize more than 230 kgs of cannabis, 2,000 vape pens in massive bust..ya legal and its starting ti get really OLD

those two will probably see jail time would be my guess. but we can't see Premiers and mp's and police services board members,and other politicians standing in a court facing jail time the bastards.
no difference beteen them and cant pee or cant trust or any of the lp's well ...
I KNOW the stuff that got busted wwsas 100% better quality lol
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