Hermies?? or am I o.k.?


Here's the deal. I have 30 huge plants,( diff strains),with mega huge buds. Some are the size of ears of corn. Great right?...Well, while trimming buds, I noticed what appeard to be a seed. Sure enough, i located , just a couple seeds, in a few of the buds. Only a couple of the total plant harvest and very few in each bud. I can remove them before sale but my main concern is, i have another 30 in the flower room a month behind this crop for monthly harvest. Im worried that if the havvest "hermied", I may have to remove the rest of the crop for next month. This means falling behind 2 months, and scrubbing the entire room and veg room. Any chance this has happened to anybody? Thanks so much.


Active Member
Find out which strain is herming on you and either remove it or flower it out and don't grow anymore of that particular strain.. no point in destroying an entire crop. I'm flowering some right now that sprouts about 10 nanners a day, so I just pluck em off and keep on rolling. Few seeds here and there but as soon as these are done they are gone forever. I already killed their clones
yea fing nanners i hate em just find them and pick them off and very closley monitor the plant. Also I will try to move that plant to the back part of the room (using where the fan is as the front..) that way if any pollen does come off it will be blown away from all the other plants by the fan.

If the sacks get out of control i would remove it from the room give it some clf light to finish up somewhere else. I have had some potent herms!