Hermie Question


Active Member
So of all my plants, I just noticed my best one has turned hermie....Normally I would chop it but this one's 4 weeks into flower and looks amazing...will probably give 3-4 oz...So here's my question.....what would happen if I just cut the balls off and kept cutting them off until harvest? or would it just be best to chop it up and be done with it?
Same happened to my best plant so I am flowering it anyways it only has 2 seeds on it(I think from a light leak). I am letting them grow with the buds and will plant later but I only have 2 seeds on it and doesn't seem to be hurting any other buds I am at 8 weeks


Active Member
Not sure what happened to mine but I just can't bring myself to cut it....It's sitting less than 2 inches under a 600....So I was wondering what will happen if I cut it's balls off everyday, but at the same time I don't want it to mess up the other 23


Well-Known Member
you can go to your local hydro to get some product you can spray that will supposedly kill off hermie traits on your plants. i dont know how effective these products are, so use at your own risk. or look up some internet reviews.


Active Member
my favourite plant recently just hermied, and since it was test plant and had great potential, i figured i would continute and see how long i could keep it maturing before i absolutely had to cut it down. This plant wasn't in with my other plants though, it was in a separate room and wardrobe, otherwise i wouldnt have even considered keeping it alive, if your goin to keep it and try and curtail the balls for the next 4 weeks, put it somewhere away from your other plants. It depends how big the plant is, if your saying you cud get 3-4oz dry then it must be pretty massive, thats gunna take alot or meticulous ball tweezing to limit pollination. It also depends how much your plant has hermied, if its only around 0-5% male flowers and sacks of all of the flowers then you might be able to control it, if its more than 10% male then dont bother IMO. Tweezing off not only the sacks but the little male flowers that grow and mature within 36 hours (on my plant anyway) will take a long time every day. It depends how much dedication you willing to put into this one plant and even then you'll probably get atleast a few seeds on the plant itself.
this a few pics of the recently hermie plant
hope that helps.



Active Member
Interestingly it's not that much....most of the balls are on the lower branches so I just cut off the full branch....I'll tweeze the upper ones just because it's not a lot...I even figured out what happened....A week ago I put a new portable 14,000 btu A/C in the room....what I completely didn't pay attention to is the a/c has a blue light on the control panel, that stay son even when it's off and this plant was right in front of it....Pissed me off for missing it