

Well-Known Member
Pics are way too bright for my monitor. Is there any way you can take pics without the grow lights on?


Well-Known Member
I see a male pollin sack in picture 1 and I see a female calyx in the second picture. So if they are the same plant it is a hermi.


Well-Known Member
If it's the same plant in both pics, it's most likely a hermie. But you might get lucky, that ball in pic 1 could just be a weird calyx and sprout hairs... But not likely. Sorry bro.


Well-Known Member
yes hermi... you can t ry to either cut all the balls off and risk having a seedy plant if you dont get em, or you can cut her down. if its all you have for a plant then grow it anyways and take the seeds. they will be feminized. thats if you need seeds anyways.


Well-Known Member
yes hermi... You can t ry to either cut all the balls off and risk having a seedy plant if you dont get em, or you can cut her down. If its all you have for a plant then grow it anyways and take the seeds. They will be feminized. Thats if you need seeds anyways.
so if you grow one hermie and no other plants, it will only produce feminized seeds??


Active Member
I'm thinking it's an IT. It was bag seed and I heard they are notorious for going hermi. I'll give it another day or two just to make sure.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
If a plant pollinates itself, almost all of the seeds produced will grow into females, but will have a higher chance of becoming hermaphrodite themselves if subjected to stress.
It's one of the methods used to produce feminised seeds, another involves spraying the plant with hormones, but that's really as much as I know about it. I'm no breeder, I just picked that nugget of knowledge up along my way.


Well-Known Member
luking like a hermi mate just after having to deal wif that problem a week odd from harvest my cheisel turned out to be a hermi and i didnt catch it in time and it now has pollenated my other 3 girls . seeds poppin up from all angles not gd , so ended up pullin da plug on the dear ladies .. sad days .


Well-Known Member
I have a theory on commercial, or mid grade pot. I think it starts out as a real good quality plant. They must breed hermes too, and then use them to polinate the plants to make them heavier with useless seeds. It would also could turn one loose seed into a field of pot in a few seasons. But its just a theory. I think that the bricking process is what makes it look like crap. But all the resulting seeds are hermes, or will easily turn herme. If you can't buy seeds in your state yet, i would just wait until you can secure some medical strains. Pet plants are fun, but i think most mid seed is bunk,