Hermaphrodite and our life together.

I just completed my first grow:eyesmoke:. I have a small closet setup with 3 40 watt cfls and 1 100 watt cfl. I had two plants that I had grown from random collected seeds. One was an indica the other a sativa. The indica was small but had a what I consider a decent yield for my first grow. It was a really healthy easy plant to grow. The Sativa is a hemaphrodite like lady ga ga. This plant struggled more as a youth but seemed to come around with age. It also took about a month longer than the indica to reach harvest. Can anyone fill me in on why this happens? I know they are different plants but I feel like the indica turned out so well in identical environments. This may be a dumb question but are there hermaphrodite seeds? What about smoking it? I guess why does it happen and what is the major drawback? Many thanks!!:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yes you can get hermie seeds from a hermie, infact it's more than likely that you'll get hermies from hermie seeds