

does the female characteristics show first on a hermie? or does the male? i have this great plant under LED and she looked great until it started showing balls! or is that the bud forming? i am really confused... i don't want to screw up another crop. first one got pollinated too the max... good seeds! carmelicious- mystery cross.... the buds weren't very potent though. :blsmoke:


there r pistols but not on those yet! i have a lot of pistols all over the plant but the balls don't look right!! i will go look again and keep an eye on it..... anyone know anything or have pictures of hermies?


Well-Known Member
balls r male, balls r bad. im still trin to figure out if i got hermie or not that pik is my plant, i had veteran smokers tellin me its just a swollen catilix. but i clipped em just n case


so i have like six bud sites coming up on this plant and they all have hairs but one of the bud sites r showing balls. i am going in to take a picture right now..