Herijuana and Basic Beer First Grow


Well-Known Member
Ok so all but 2 "Herijuana" and 2 "Basic Beer" have germinated and sprouted in there cubes. One BB has not broke shell and the other three did not break surface yet and I feel none of them will. One of the BB has really out grown the others thus far. Will not know the flavors of the BB till its much more mature. They are a mix pack. The room I am useing isn't the main room, it's being dug still and constructed. But I am going to veg these for a minute and in about two weeks I'll flower to find out who is male and female and pick the healthiest etc. I used Artesian water from the go and have been running the 2 foot -4- lamp T5 lights for 24 hours. A small fan on med. I will start half noots at 2 weeks I think.
So here is the start of a Ebb & Grow 12 bucket system with "Herijuana" and "Basic Beer" mix. I'll try to keep it updated but ever since I started blazing again I have gotten lazy lol.:hump:
Here is germination 101. Paper towel method with Rockwool. All broke shell within 48 hours except for 2.



Well-Known Member
Ok so all of my seeds germinated but one Basic Beer and I merced her myself accidentally. So I now have all my lil lady's sticking there heads up and reaching for the lights. All my rooted plants have been placed into there permanent rockwool and put under T5's 24 hours a day. I am going to germinate my last 2 BB and get those moven. I should of and do not have a reason why I didn't get them germinated in the beginning. So all is moving nice.


Well-Known Member
Sooooooo I squeezed one of my BB seeds that was in a cup of water and prior paper towels and I was certain was a dud, and it open the shell. After letting it sit in paper towels for another two days the pretty lady stuck her leg out and is now in her bed of rockwool yay! All of the seeds I germed are now pretty plants. other than the one I killed with its root assist:-? I have decided to make the closet the permanent spot for the veg stage. So me and the lady put the low pro drip system together with minor adjustments and now have the set up on a 18/6 with 3 drip cycles at 6-1-and7 for 15 min on a 17 gall tank. After seedling stage I'll do half nutes and play ear till I force flower in a month and a half or so to decide sexums..........:peace: out naggas
Oh and the first leafs are starting to yellow and die. Stay tuned.



Well-Known Member
Ok heres a lil update on the ladys and blah blah shit. So today I am going to the store to get pots for clay. The tallest and most dominate by far plant is about 2 inches tall and very sturdy. The roots have broke bottom of its rock wool wich is a 6'' ! I hope its a producing slut lol and not a Harry. I also have a drip and minor prob with its water return tube. So I will be buying silicone and extra hose to lengthen it. I am also going to make a cfl hood and lamp and mov all my clones under it and seeds. Now please feel free to chime in on this but if its doable then I can drop the 2nd 100 dollar light and do this 40.00 set up.
I also am retapingOh yes and two questions. I am moving to half nutes on most plants and hand watering a few of the younger ones. Is this a kosher move ? Next I have minor yellowing and am not threatned by it at the moment buuuuut should I be frosty or is it looking ok ? the resevoir to make the bottom plastic instead of sheet plastic because of the refill drag.(Pulling it out)



Well-Known Member
I have decided to put another light in for my clones and my seedlings. I will use the 2 ft 4 bulb T5 for as many mother plants it will carry. I have made a ballast with sheet metal and panda plastic and am now at a draw for the 3 bulbs. I am going to run the bulbs vertical 2 feet wide. If I were to use three bulbs CFL what would be the MOST effective bulbs to get for clones and seeds. Up to 12+ clones ?


Well-Known Member
WTF I get no reply's ladies and germs ! Not even some smart ass one ? Maybe even tips on how to get more love from the forum ? I am kind of building a sweet light set up buuuuuut am looking into lights and...........
So lets hear it brothers and sisters let me help u help me and I'll forever
NOT, but it would be grrrrreeat !:peace:


Well-Known Member
haha you gotta be active man, it hard to get people to notice your grow if no one knows you, get out there, comment on other grows, have them stop by


Well-Known Member
ITS HERIJUANA its weed it should sell it's self LOL. Yeah I have been around quite a bit. Oh everyone will come flocking come harvest they always do hahahahahahah!!!! Yeah I guess I still got u and that is alright by me lol.


Well-Known Member
haha thanks man bongsmilie

that is true tho, Herijuana sells itself, i nearly shat myself the last time i had it

they will flock like pigeons



Well-Known Member
Ok so i went to Lowes today and got pieces to make my CFL reflector and sockets. I bought......
1. 2 Five outlet power strips.
2. 2 75 watt Lowes brand CFL bulbs.6500k,1100 lumens.
3.1 3 way plug in outlet.
4. 2 ac/light bulb connectors (no wiring needed),
and that is all I bought today. I will need to pick up zip ties,10 more 75 w CFL bulbs, and some hanging chain.The rest of the items were here or scrap.
5. Dryer vent piece for hood.
6.Some Panda plastic.
7.A couple of zips.
8.Duct tape.
9. Scissors.
10.Needle nose
My hood and set up is a little different from the video bur it's got way more juice for the babes.
If you have constructive feed back feel free to better the set up for me.



Well-Known Member
Nice man, lookin great, ima have to steal this idea haha, i need to make a good reflector for my CFL's


Well-Known Member
Yeah I hope it gets her done. I am pretty sure this set up is 2000 lumens stronger than the existing lamp. So maybe I'll switch this to the mothers and the other lamp as my clone light.


Well-Known Member
i just got my 24 bucket system with clones ready to go in, whats your intended flood cycle looking like? day night? im using straight clay pebbles as my clones were rooted aeroponically, ima tune in for this


Well-Known Member
be forsty, keep an eye on those yellow tippers, if anything, that success kit has cal-mag, at this stage of seedling, i give calmag 1/4 strenght, this contains nitrogen, and she could use the slightest doasge....i get my seedling used to that small supplmement before she takes on more nutes


Well-Known Member
I ordered a package of seeds from
and this was on MARCH the 2ND:evil::evil::evil::evil:
I never got them at my secure location and have had the worst possible communication to resolve the issue. I emailed them and got a reply to how it was shipped and thats about it. Been getting automated responses since. Got my last one today from a email I sent bout two weeks ago. Sooooo conclusion is that (Marijuana Seeds.NL)http://marijuana-seeds.nl/ is gay and they can kiss-assOh and I'll post this info on a proper page when I am not lazy lol.