Hempy buckets with compost tea?

Thinking about trying hempy buckets with perliet. My question is, can I use compost teas as my ferts throughout the whole grow? I like to stay organic. Any thoughts on what type of teas to use for veg then for flower.Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Thinking about trying hempy buckets with perliet. My question is, can I use compost teas as my ferts throughout the whole grow? I like to stay organic. Any thoughts on what type of teas to use for veg then for flower.Thanks in advance.
Hell yeah you can use teas in hempy. Works great. I like to use guanos, molassas, earth work leachate, kelp. Maybe some green sand and crushed oyster shells if I got it. Alfalfa and rabbit poop is great for veg. Read up on teas to get a good formula. 3LB have some good ones.